so sleep alone tonight
♥JIAWEN is Nineteenth09June1991
Ralph Blum says: "Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings." |
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
ohmygod!;O common test results are really horrendous. looking through the list of results, how much i would really wish that those A(s) and A+(es) are mine man! hahhs. GPA 4.0(?) big fat dream man! something that just seems to be so, so, so impossible, however, still chose to clinched onto that teeny weeny hope. stubborn or whatever it is, you named it! simple modules such as NSL (i mean the mcqs they set for common tests are easy) i cant even scored an A for it! though common test only holds a weightage of 25percents, but it really mean alot to me!(s) seriously, i dont wanna disappoint dad who have actually been cashing in thousands and thousands of dollars just for school fees every semester for me to get my diploma and for him to retire. my "nice" results: AAP- D+ NSL- B+ FON- C+ PAS- (still dont know) MIC- (still dont know) impressive uh(?) big, big, big no for me to give up! im going to work towards my A(s)!;D at least, for now, common tests let me know, where i stands, and what to aim for and work towards to! in fact, i should be relieve uh, cos so far, i passed my modules! and for now, im really worried for MIC! can i pray for at least an A to appear in my common test results(?) SINGAPORE FLYERS 240609 went for my first ever flyers ride with Hui Yi, Pei Ling, Celeste, Jia Min, Cin Lee, HongYi sir, JunJie and his little brother (JunWei) ;D hahhs. his brother is really cute and uperb cheerful! he can never stop laughing especially at HongYi sir's cold joke. hahhs. met up with peeps at City Hall Mrt at 1830. took free flyer shuttle bus there and had dinner at Popeyes!;D(s) have been craving for that for so longgggg! hehhs. Preeeetty excited for flyers ride. hehhs. if not for the student promos that its having now, i would never have gone for the ride. 3obucks for 30mins ride(?) ex okay! hahhs. sis's ezlink helped Jj to save 10bucks! hahhs. kept taking pictures! the night scenary is really nice!(s) we are able to see the ndp floating platform, as well as the F1 racing track. hahhs. oops:/ pardon me for sounding so kuku here!;P after that 30mins ride, went to some place for chit-chatting, phototaking. hehhs. snapshots: me, peiling & celeste! me, celeste, junwei & peiling! Huiyi, me, Celeste, Junwei! Peiling! Huiyi! Cinlee! Hongyi sir! and for the first time im "taller" than him:/ hahhs Junjie! "child abuse" :/ he's the one who suggest this boxing shot! hahhs in the toilet(; Holidays are bored! and can you even believed that i have actually got sick of sleeping laa. no life at all man! but neither do in want to have Clinical attachment! Boys over flowers! Goo Jun Pyo! he looks nicer with straight hair;O
oops:/ im lateee. but still (...) HAPPY BIRTHDAY QING XIANG SIR whose birthday falls on the 14 June. p.s. special year for you to spend ypur birthday at special place!;D must love the card from us! hehhs. people that doesnt has their own origin and taking away the speciality of the others as theirs, as well as the tendency of being jealous so that easily that causes the develop of urge to prove their ability and seize away the opportunity of the others. last but not least, being too self-centered without sparing a thought for the others and putting themselves into the others' shoes due to wanting to fulfil a task successfully. for these all, i really hated it to the max! and it totally screwed my life up! p.s. its just a general post, and im NOT refering to any specific one!;D last ndp training yesterday. didnt really expected to be sad (?) cause its like throughout the whole training, im always that quiet one that didnt really speak up, interact with the cadets much, motivate the cadets in short what i mean was, i did not contribute any!:/ yesterday's training, was indeed a great one! cadets are improving! and with that, it actually enables all instructor to gain a sense of satisfaction and all sacrifices has all become worth. though it was just a short period! but working with the rest of the instructors are definitely something great. we learnt, we play, we crap and i do feel comfortable working with them. after training, had dinner at HQ. it was ShingHwee Maam's treat! PizzaHut! took many funny pictures and videos which can really make all of us laugh like mad! went to somewhere around HQ there (cos i dont know where it is) and bring away foods that we buy to the empty space at SMU to eat! thanks to Jj for the Sundae treat!;D hehhs. talk and crap alot and played one stupid but fun game! what "left hand ju qi lai, right hand ju qi lai" haha. thanks Joanne and Huiyi for the Chocos and sweet note as well as all instructors for the little msg(s);D snapshots: cheer (claps) ![]() |