
(A really late new year post!)

"Happy 2011"
A brand new year ahead but probably it could never be a brand new start to everything i guess. 2010 a really great and fruitul year ahead with all ups and downs ride. But it's all these that makes us for who we are and yes definitely stronger than before. Family & friends was and still the important assets of mine that i would never wanna lose them. And yes i should learn to be less irritating, bad tempered, annoying and all, likewise i should also learn not to be pissed/irritated/annoyed/easily. Cos i know how bad and deep all these could actually hurt them and i don't wanna be there crying, feeling guilty and bad onlyafter what i've done. I don't wanna suffocate myelf wth guilt anymore. For friends wise, sorry if i haven't been a really good friend but im really thankful for friends i knew is still friends i know. Indeed, we will never know how long could we hold on to these friendship but, let's continue to hold on to it till many many many years later down the road!:D

Resolutions for 2011:
1. To be happy
2. To go on a diet (which i seriously MUST)
3. Study hard
4. Be more thrifty and stop being such a shoppaholic.