so sleep alone tonight
♥JIAWEN is Nineteenth09June1991
Ralph Blum says: "Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings." |
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
(blowing off dusts, and plucking off cobwebs) ohman! what a dusty blog! hahhs. (happppyy) exams are now finally overrrrrr!;D gonna leave my worries and stress over results for the meanwhile, if not, this holiday is so gonna be wasted man! haha. alrights! for now, lets hav some plans for my holiday! watching of dvds, sleeping. hahhs. but im not gonna spend my full precious 3weeks just by doing all these. that will be damn boring! i wanna go kboxing, movie, date my dearest sec school clique girls out, lunch with qingxiang sir and maybe clas chalet && im so gonna be broke after spending all these:( not forgetting, wanna go for a jog during this holiday! enjoying the cool and relaxing evening and night breeze!;D holiday's plan is up! hehhs
![]() FON is gonna be the module that i really hate!(s) i have so bare and limited understanding about this module, lecturer is rushing through this module every single lecture like no body's business, flashing the slides just to let us copy those blanks and hardly explain a single thing. and for now, i seriously didnt know where do i start to study! fcuking stress now! damn it! why must there be so much to study for FON? and im never gonna fail this module and repeat it again next year! clear it this once, and FON is gonna be out of my life! (shoo, it goes!) met up with ShuYing and went back to NP with her to replace her student card and bused all the way to Bishan J8, met up with Suvin for movie, Where got ghost! haha. the first ever horror movie that i caught! Jack neo's movie is always funny to watch but nevertheless there are still few of those scary scenes! hahhs. train-ed back to YewTee for dinner and Mac for studies. Brought back lots of memories! the place that we had once been so attached uh. The place which we will always hanged out with the few others RC cliques after every training for dinner, and the place where we used to mugged for olvls!;D as usual, studying with friends is never gonna be productive! we spend time talking, dazing but when it comes to study, stared at the books just for a few minutes and our attention was diverted to others (sigh) now ... she's really gone!:( silver accred yesterday! tiring. really, really, really hated campsite's mosquitoes! they are always so not friendly(!!!) after accred trained to rush over to QiHui maam's house for Ops 3 bbq with ShuYing, XiaoLi, PeiLing, Celeste, MeiZi, Jamie and JunJie! stomach was really hungry at that time, went to Fairprice Xtra at JP2 for tongs and bused over. but instead of dropping off at the first stop which PeiLing has told us to do so, we dropped of at the second one. and we were all like so lost. didnt know where exactly we are! sat around, bbq-ing, interacting, gossiping and that "interview" which was fun!;D hahhs. it really sucks when we are already at the mood of fun but at the same time, to worried for the last train home. Jason sir was nice enough to drive us to JE mrt!;D thanks! went to outram park instead of yewtee! on the way walking to ahmah's house was really scary! (i swear) dark was dim, people are still on street especially those cheeeena and bangala peeps (im not trying to be country-ist) ---- semestral exams next friday! and i havent veen start study a single words!:( (rushing off to books) snapshots: say threeeeeeee:D treasure what you have now and the people who are around you. you will never know when will they be gone. once its gone, its gonna be gone forever. life is far too fragile and unpredictable. the rest of my sunday(s) is never gonna be the same as what it used to be anymore! 9August, its not only the date of national day, but also the date to remember the leaving of a significant person in my life. someone who has been doting on me eversince when im born, pampering me and looking over me for these 18 years. the biggest regret in life is without having any last words with her eversince she was admitted to ward and also never ever has a proper conversation with her just simply because i sucks at dialects! anw, rest in peace ahmah! we will all be fine. we had all grown up and no longer are we still little kids who will only keep you worried. i will learn to be independent. i will take care of dad, mom and sis! so, just leave peacefully! with loves and misses!♥ you can find a millions of reasons to be happy... but it would only take a few reasons to bring your mood down... end of this week and im officially free from project!;D(s) but on the sidenote, this also means that exam is drawing nearer too:( and i have to do my with my study plan soon! i want As and A pluses to apprear in my results! no more Ds please![: NSL practical exam today, is definitely so much more better than my previous one with no doubts! hahhs. i can still clearly remember how i actually screwed it up! got venturi mask for today!;X i have been praying so much for getting urine and have been memorising so much about it. but overall, venturi mask wasn't really that bad as from what i've thought except for the forgetting of the 8assessment! i totally forgot about it! Shuying reminded me today was the 123456789 day! hahhs. 12:34 56secs, 07/08/2009 day;D Overdue pictures - Racial Harmony T13 with Miss Aquila(?) ;D ![]() Its sunday tomorrow! Need not have to wake up so that early and head down to ahmah's house for tomorrow!;D tired!;O Met up with ShuYing to board the first train to Eunos and meet up with PeiLing, Celeste, YingYan & (Lian) JunJie! if only i owe a car, i wouldn't have to wake up so early laa! wanted to learn to drive, but driving test is never gonna be easy man! somemore, the money that you have to pay for it, equals to b-r-o-k-e! alrights! shall stop my ranting and back to the topic(: bus-ed down to ECP with them and met the rest of batchmates and seniors at mac for briefing and breakfast! big fierce dog and red ants shall now be the reasons that would really make me hate ECP! there was this big fierce dog walking towards and the way that i am walking and stared fiercely at me. LOL this was like the first time in my whole entire eighteen living life that i had sucha close contacts with dogs-.- it totally scared me to death laa. so i sort of "gave my way" to that dog and my legs was like still shivering even after the dog left! (uperb malu) :X red ants! red ants are crawling all around especially on the grass patch area and of course, trees! but red ants cant even climb the trees properly!(s) we people who were standing under the trees were "showered" with those ants and making me to always have this feelings that those ants are crawling on me (ewwww!) have to stop thinking of it! Lead the cadets and links for the RC Walk to Big Splash and followed by the collecting of banners from the schools. Lunch time at KFC sitting outside air-conless:( the weather was like so hot, but KFC was all packed:( Large coke!;D our craves at that point of time. after lunch, there wasn't really much of stuffs for us to do. so just sit and walk around, entertaining ourselves. Met mom, sis and aunty at IMM which aunty pearlyn than drove us to Japanese Garden, Fairway Club for Ahgong's birthday dinner. Japanese spread! though there isn't much things that i really eat, but just barely eating appetizer food, stomach was already more than half-full! p.s. I need a break! After this week, project-stress will be overrrrr! and im just left with exam-stressss!;O Things to do:( Sunday(tmr)- SLEEP! complete CNP individual assignment & Nursing care plan. Monday- done with Sociology project, master everything for AAP practical test, Study for MIC. Tuesday- sociology project presentation, MIC mock exam Wednesday- last prepartion for CNP project. Thursday- CNP project presentation, prepare for NSL practical test. Friday- NSL practical test && AAP mel online equiz but ive forgotten, when will the quiz be open and when's the dateline! shit! random note. i need to be on diet seriously!(s) |