so sleep alone tonight
♥JIAWEN is Nineteenth09June1991
Ralph Blum says: "Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings." |
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
ITS WEEKEND TMR! :D Know what, after this long week, how i would really wish that i could just let my precious saturday and sunday pass just by stucking myself on my cosy bed and sleep the whole day long instead of dragging myself out of bed for unimportant stuffs. and beauty sleep is really important for girls especially! but that is only if i could(!!!) cos im so dead now. FON lesson today is uperb fun and hilarious. i swear! with ZhiYang as the entertainer of the day with his uperb ultra KUSO acting skills! some of us even laughed rolling off the chairs. our full time kai xin guo!:D had our first Soccer lesson today too. never expect it to be tiring cos it was only our first lesson. or perhaps, it was me who hadn't really been warming my body up for so long?! did those basic kickings and game. waited for the guys at the pool for dinner. soccer ends before their swimming lesson. bus-ed down to west mall for Pastamania with Sharlyn, ZhiYang, Fabian, Myron and Nas. Im officially broke for this month! gotten my next month allowance and i've promised myself to spend it really wisely. i've to make my pocket money grow by saving up instead of letting it shirnk... cos the feeling of being so pork when you still want to spend is really terrible:( thanks ZhiYang for his apple crumb pizza(: shopped around with ZhiYang and Fabian with Sharlyn for their swimming trunks fo their swimming lessons. Funny to see who guys actually chose their trunks:/ im tired, im tired, im tired! im sleeping now, im sleeping ow, im sleeping now!:O not feeling good at all, things aren't going on the right path which it was meant to be. everything is just so screwed! failed my duty as a daughter, a friend, a listener, a sister and a leader. living in my own world of lies. what more am i really good at? till now, im still unable to think of any! perhaps in the eyes of others, i should be really contented with the life that im having now instead of yeaping and complaining. but in fact, im not. not at all! if all chances and opportunities given would make me lose and sacrifice all my closest and loved ones, i will never, never, never go to that agreement! simply because they are so, so, so that important to me than anything elses. but now what about this, huge sacrifice that relates about your future for your loved ones? (Typing very slowly) ... went for suntan-ing with ShuYing, PeiLing and Celeste yesterday at Sentosa. my second trip there just in this week. Ive no intention of getting any tanner, im tanned enough. but im ending up becoming the tanniest of them all. hate for being tanned so easily and effortlessly. those red tanned marks are really ugly but the most important of all... its uperb ultra pain!:( i wanna get back my tanned but not so tan skin color again! And im still thinking of ways to carry my backpack tmr without using of shoulders (brain-storming for ideas) went to Vivo- KFC for lunch/dinner and "shopped" around Vivo for hours to kill time. Toys 'R Us the most fun of all. Toys'R Us is not only a heaven for little kids, enjoyed ourselves there too! especially those halloween stuffs!;D after making our ways to a few more shops, Face Shop and make our way to Northpoint for bubble tea and sushi! its ShuYing's treat for sushi!;D hahhs. Chatted awhile and Jason sir drove us to Holland Village for supper. sorry for the trouble:/ icecream at Cold Rock and NasiLemak at some market situated at BoonLay and took Jason sir's backed home but the long and ulu way which is clear of vehicle and nice for speeding. and again, sorry for wasting your petrol and time:/ and thankyou!;D Snapshots: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ending my post with this pics;D its really time to wake up girl!;O stop daydeaming Lost for words. Couldn't get the best adjective for the best description of my mood now. But definitely not in the best of my mood! Not in the mood for everything, had wanted to get a new blogskin but after searching for so long, decided to give this idea up, couldn't find a single one that catches my heart, had thought of giving my tagboard a new look but till i was in the midst of editing, i gave up cos ive thought its still the old one that still looks the best. worst come to worst, being agitated and irritated over teeny weeny matter. And for this moment, i would really wish to be alone ... Finally got to met up with my bunch of poly cliques ( Debbie, Crystal, Rebecca, Myron, Fabian, ZhiYang and both Kenneth and Marcia joining in too:) after so long! hahhs. havent really been joining them for the past few outings which really makes me feel bad but at least i've managed to join them this time uh!;D Debbie! i didnt fly you aeroplane this time round luh! haha. was supposed to met up at the monorail station at 1000 but again, everyone was late! (arggg) waited till everyone was there and head off to Giant to shop fo drinks and tidbits and off we took the monorail to Palawan beach (but i still love Siloso beach) hahhs. and the last time that im there was like sec4? too long to remember. spend most of our time in the sea, splashing water and sand fight. my god! guys are always the violent one. move to some paragon due to drizzle and killed our time playing Indian poker and some "higher" or "lower" game and only got ourselves back to the sea when the drizzle has stopped. and the sea makes me dizzy for the day! and thanks to celeste for her panadol! didnt joined cliques for supper and went to bath for dinner and movie with ShuYing, PeiLing, XiaoLi, Celeste, HuiLing, Jason and Stephen (sirs) met up with them at LJS for dinner. im late but that was expected! cos im lost at sentosa! and it really took me quite some time to find my way out there to take the tram back Vivo. Caught 500 days of summer. however this movie wasn't really that nice as from what ive expected. but at least i did managed to keep myself awake instead of wasting my money sleeping in there. unlike "someone" uh. HAHA stayed at Mac to chilled with the rest and trained home. ![]() 人在成長的過程中,難免會遇到挫折。懂得保護自己也要懂得愛護自己!生命的樂章看你自己如何去譜寫。躲避不一定躲的過,面對不一定最難受,得到不一定能長久,失去不一定不再有,轉身也不一定最軟弱。別急著說別無選擇,別以爲世上只有對與錯。許多事情的答案都不是只有一個。所以我們永遠都有路可以走!你能找到理由難過有一定能找到快樂!懂得放心的人找到輕松,懂得遺忘的人找到自由,懂得關懷的人找到朋友。 Attachment has finally ended and holidays are now here(!!!) hahhs. finally some break after long 3weeks(: yes, though attachment could be really tiring but that was really just what i've thought initially and it was only till the end of the day, i'd than got to realise, how much i had actually gained these 3weeks! staff nurses, enrolled nurses and sisters of ward73 central are nice, friendly! patients are lovable and nice to get along with;D hokkiens are killing me. cos all i could speak was just broken hokkiens with the mixtures of cantonese, chinese and english which adds up to some alien language! save me!:( 09 Oct 2009 Dinner, gossiping and sharing with Esther(ker) maam at yewtee point for LJS with ShuYing, PeiLing and XiaoLi. it has been long since we had really catch up with her! hahhs. but still she's still as bimbo as ever uh:/ hahhs. and and thanks for the treat!;D went to ShuYing's house for sleepover!;D did manicure. and my manicure skills really suck. i destroyed my pretty nails with my bare hands and it really takes alot of efforts to salvage it and make it looks pretty again!(: 10 Oct 2009 Ksong at top1 with sleepover-ers, YeJing, YuPing, Celeste, YingYan, HuiLing, WeiYang, JunJie, JingKai, BaoYu and Jason sir. and this was the indeed the first time in my entire life, i've been so patience in waiting for someone whom has been late for 2hours! Half of them make their way to top1 first and the another half of us were waiting for the latecomers. Spammed "someone's" phone with hundreds of miss calls and msgs! hahhs. and that was the consequences for being so, so, so late uh! haha. 6hours of singing is really long and there are moments that most of us were like so dead, all thanks to PeiLing uh. the entertainer of the day who have successfully brought our spirits up again!(; hehhs. and could you believe we actually sang song from the 70s&80s. hahhs. loitered around BugisJunction to kill time and we actually ended up talking in cold storage. Steamboat for dinner with other seniors joining. i've been looking forward to dinner time, stomach was hungry and gastric hurts. but steamboat wasnt really that appertizing. cant stop stonning at the blank yesterday. had supper and train-ed home after that(: snapshots: attachment-mates;D ![]() |