so sleep alone tonight
♥JIAWEN is Nineteenth09June1991
Ralph Blum says: "Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings." |
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
LITERATURE REVIEW DONE & SUBMITTED! what a huge relieved!:D:D:D the reason for the smile of the day. hahhs. no!no!no! in fact, this is so, so, so much more enough for me to hold on to this smile for a week, a month or even more!:D HOHOHO! NSL practical was over too! again, i will never have the fate to get a core skill that i wanted to get so much. i could have been a little more clumsier uh. got into the wrong examination room, and examiner was even nice to offer me a packet of oreo. but afterall, it was just a beautiful mistake made. the nice examiner was not meant to be my examiner. Feeding wasn't that bad overall. got prick by wutt hmon for her BGM. though BGM is simple, but ive yet realised that, the simple the core skills are, the lesser i will think for it, and the more steps i will tend to miss. Common test are just there in like around, 3 days time. but the stress level aren't approaching me yet to motivate for further studying yet. how?how?how? :( camp tmr till monday. and im really running out of time for studying! gosh! gosh! gosh!
patience are running thin. it's not as if that ive owe you guys a favour or whatever shit. neither isit some excuses that im giving again. but seriously, im tired of being the one always accommodating. just because you guys aren't teo jia wen! and you will never understand her! ive to do it, just because you guys need it. but that doesn't mean that i've to be the one doing it always. drill this fact in that freaking mind of yours. ---- mood has been really, really bad. i admitted. probably a side effect stress has gave me uh. being agitated, sensitive over teeny weeny issues, pushing people off, attituding people that are all around me as if they are my debtors. really sorry if ive spoke anything hurtful. but ... just leave me alone for now. i will be fine soon:D ![]() project workload, class tests and workload, just simply paint my holiday black and white that i'd almost forgot how my weekends has used to be and how colorful they are(!!!) hang on there and everything will be over soon!:D
![]() GIVE ME A BREAK! mentally worn out. 1. NR, didnt even know what on heaven is a literature review. but whats more rushy now is. i havent even got my 3 articles for me to review! 2. SAWI, my 800 plus words essay. i got my point. but i didnt know what more to write to meet my 800 word count! 3. Practical test on week 5. Insertion of NG Tube, NG feeding and blood glucose thingy. please god, i wanna have blood glucose(!!!) no insertion. 4. I've limit understanding for FON. yes, its FON again. 5. All my saturdays are occupied. no more waking up late:( 6. Common tests are on week 7. its round the corner. coming soon! gosh:( 7. Common tests week falls at the end of UIP camp. 8. Logistic role are really stressful. or is it me who are stressing myself. but im really afraid to screw things up. 9. Attachment week straight after attachment week. and it seems like i can never have any proper, nice and long break till december! 10. I tend to skip lessons just because of ridiculous reasons, im tired! and that was so not suppose to happen in the first place please! unless i wanna be debart from exams uh. (sigh) and so far, ive missed 2hours of nsl, late for 1hr30mins of nsl cos lessons are on early 0800. and im missing pharmoco lecture tmr and it get me a whole day free(!!!):D and thanks to kind Debbie for helping me to tap my card:D okay lets list out the things that im gonna do for tmr! . SLEEP TILL EARLY NOON! at least a 12hours of sleep:D:D (brain will never function well without adequate hours of sleep alrights. hahhs) . Study for AAP, CMBio, Pharmo and FON . Done with SAWI :D
直到现在,我才真正的确定这一切都是自己一厢情愿罢了!虽然一开始就已经很明白,但是还是然自己给陷进去了!很笨吧?因为到头来,受伤的还是自己。希望自己不会被讨厌,还是朋友旧好了。真正的爱情到底是怎样的?那种感觉或许从来都没有拥有过,所以才更渴望能够拥有。真怀疑自己是否真的爱过,还是只是短暂的爱慕?人,往往都是在找寻能符合他们心目中的完美来填补自己的不完美所以才会爱慕与遐想。但是只要对那个人有了更进一步的了解后,发现了他的缺点与不完美,对于他的爱慕也会开始瓦解了吧。或许也是因为对方真的是太优秀了导致自己的自卑心作祟。这就是爱慕与爱情的差别吧。 在爱情里,不管对方的缺点是什么,在怎么的不完美,你还是会接受。不管对方的优点真的好到让你产生自卑心,你也都不会放弃。真的好渴望能够拥有一场属于自己的爱情,不用去羡慕他人。但还是顺其自然好了吧!未来的变数太多!其实呆呆的幻想着所有不可能发生的事情虽然很不切实际但真的会让人感到很幸福!可是也该是时候放手了吧。活在幻界太久,也该回到现实了吧!再见了!:D |