so sleep alone tonight
♥JIAWEN is Nineteenth09June1991
Ralph Blum says: "Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings." |
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Feeling uperb bad now for breaking a supposed to be kept promise cum commitment. Studies, something which has been occupying my time ... gradually. Cause of the poor time and stress management im having and people out there have to suffer with me. i hate it how my patience are running thin whenever im stress, i hate it how demanding, irritating and stubborn i could get whenever im in stress, i hate it how my unreasonable could be a great nuisance to the others, i hate it how my problems could actually be a burden to the others, i hate it how my sis and friends have to listen to all my whinings and complains, i hate it how dreams and hopes are dashed after putting in all expectation for it, i hate it how i could actually disappoint a person, i hate it how im neglecting my social circle just for studies, i hate it how im being so insensible enough. i hate it how im not able to help a friend in need, i hate it how to see people whom i love to be hurt by me unintentionally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! i still love you as much as i do! i'll not keep you worry anymore, i'll be honest to you. thanks for all your uncondition love, care and concern. thanks for being the greatest dad of the whole universe! thanks for all that you'd done. i dont want you to be working that hard, just to strive the best for us, but i just want you to be happy and stay by my side forever!:D:D:D im really glad that, it is you, who are my daddy! i truly love you! i love you!(L)(L)(L) ![]() I used to hate long bus rides. But not anymore after today i guess. When you will just shut your ears with your earpiece, isolate yourself from all outside voice throughout the ride, ponder, reminisce and reflect, with all emotions, thoughts and memories just kept appearing while the bus moves as well as all scenary passing one after another. uperb bad moodswing i had today. but its also one of these few times, you will actually need some of this "ME TIME" to actually reflects on the recent happenings and all things that actually goes wrong in your life. " So simple, yet so complex, so weak, yet so powerful, so confusing, yet so desirable, so wonderful, yet so unbelievable, so unpredictable, yet so true; it's all about life how you live your life with ups and downs on the way of success."Written in 2010 by Bharat Sehgal --- India
UPDATES! Friday 16 April Pay day and promotion day! Double happiness day!<:) Rushed off from work to meet Shuying, Peling and Yingyan to head to Dunman sec but all of them was late which i thought, i would be one who will be late in the end. hahhs. doughnut ball was nice, just that ... too sugar-ish:/ hehhs. love dunman sec's hall but definitely not the toilet which provides free suana service uh! ushering of guests to stage, but i screwed my job at some part of it, with some guests just walking up the stage w/o being ushered:/:/:/ the mistakes that a usher can never make! whatever it is, its over, i'll just take it as a experience to learn from(: (Y) my first promotion for my vi rank. -happy, happy- though we didnt really have the time to enjoy the atmosphere and have enough time for photos taking, but still, im happy. hahhs. didnt manage to catch the last train and thus have to cab home all the way from Tampinies to Yewtee. uperb long taxi ride with Sarah T, Shuying and Esther maam! thankyou Esther maam!:D:D:D Monday 19 April A official date that marks the start of my year two life. and im still in my holiday mood which havent been adjusted back. first lectures im already in the dozing off mood. glad that i'd still pull myself through all lectures. (applause for me) :D:D:D Snapshots; ![]() The worst working i'd ever had so far. mean and unfriendly people. and i mean really unfriendly. shut the (toot) mouth of yours unless you are there telling me that you can actually work with your mouth. i respected you simply because of your age and not whatever you say are all right. you are breaking my tympanic membrane so please shut that (toot) mouth of yours. what im there for is nothing else but for work. im not there working for you by taking your commands while you doing nothing, surfing the net, munching your snacks but still get to earn your salary. if thats your definition of "im unable to work" with me fitting into it, than so be it. i cant be bothered anyway. for all part-timers too i bet. cause, we wont be there for long. three more effing days im there and thats all. ---- Kbox-ed with Shuying, Peiling, Yejing and Xiaoli at Clementi kbox. eight dollars package but i didnt make my every single bucks worth it cause im only there for 2 hours. lets have another session soon please! hahhs. im so tempted for K now and have not enough of singing. there's still so much songs on list that i'd wanted to sing>:( i love singing despite the fact that i cant sing! hehhs:D dinner was damn filling. zi char for dinner. had my favourite dish, tie ban dou fu!<:) though it wasn't really that nice as expected but ... still accepted. hahhs. continued hanging out with cliques and mac, sharing about everything as usual. the past, the present and our future. our heart-to-heart talk. hehhs. i love my present, my friends and everyone whom is around me now. we may not know how many more years can our friendship be going down the road and that doesn't matters anymore. cause what i would like to cherish, is the friendship of ours now(!!!) no point looking too far ahead <:) (L) Daddy! (L) Daddy for being uperb sweet over the phone earlier on. thanks for wanting to walk me home with the umbrella when you know it was raining heavily here. ![]() attachment are over. finally overrrrr!<:) no more counting down! no more dragging myself out of bed at wee hours! hehhs. (jumps around with joys) :D lalala!~ a week of holiday, yet im burning my holidays with work, which is something i really need it now. more than my sleep definitely. hehhs. for the first time, im having this strong feeling to actually count on my own strength to get something for people whom i care. if thats the process of growing, than im now in the midst of learning(: year one has really ended. looking forward to school(!!!):D
(Y) half way through attachment and 1 more week, i'll be done with it. somehow, time passed much more faster this time round, attachment are more meaningful, memorable and surprisingly enjoyable. getting to know great peoples, listened and encountered all kinds of different stories. the happy(s) and the sad(s) i'd never ever thought that attachment could be this enjoyable and less torturing if you were to learn to like all things that you are doing, finding a purpose of it!:D Forever(?) a word that will never exist in my dictionary. people leave, life goes on. ------ 1. ops team three bbq at jj's big house. once again, i sucks at cycling. got a few nice bruises from my fall. thanks jj for being sucha great host. afternoon nap was nice! hehhs(: 2. charlie birthday celebration at Justasia for Esther maam& ShuYing with PeiLing, Jorin maam, Calvin, JingKai, Mizael sir today. uperb full. throat are like damn pain now after drinking of softdrinks, fried chicken, chocolate. im making my throat from bad to really worst:/ ![]() HAPPY BIGGG NINETEEN FREAK! (belated) hehhs. though this post was supposedly to be up like a few days ago:/ but i'd only got to post it like now. sorry my dear superb duperb uperb ultra best friend who i'd know for 7 years plus luh:D a poor friend who is always there to hear all my rantings and everything. someone who will stand all my unreasonable which is really irritating most of the times (i admit it too) indeed, im not a really great friend but really thanks for standing by my side all this while! and seriously im really glad with the fact that, our friendship are still standing strong after so many things. big big big love to you from your dearest ME!:D hehhs. lets hold on to this friendship till many, many, many years down the road alrights:D